A movement of Good News Conversationalists and Designers

We are a network of people having conversations about good news and designing things just for the fun of it! 

Video teachings

what is a microchurch?


A microchurch is a return to what we see in Acts.  It's the Church meeting actually as the church.  It's not a service or experience... it's the people of God coming together around tables and couches, getting to know each other and Jesus more,  and shining a light into our local communities.

We believe the best way to live as Jesus is intended is to join others on an adventure to see all people restored into right relationship with God and each other and join us in bringing beauty to brokenness in this world. 


If you are interested in finding out more or how you can connect with one of our Microchurches please contact Mike Jarrell at michaeljarrell@me.com

Our story

In 2012 the world didn't end like the Mayans predicted.  Instead, Narrow Road Communities (NRC) was born.